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Cray T94 Supercomputer

Operating System :
Unicos (Cray version of Unix)
Sales Brochure :
Cray Sales Brochure
Weight :
2000 lbs (909 Kg) dry (more when Fluorinert coolant is filled)
Company :
Cray Computer
Price :
~ $5 Million as configured (2 Processors)

This machine uses 70 kilowatts of electricity and thus generates a a lot of heat. It is liquid cooled by Flourinert, a fluorocarbon based liquid made by 3M.

In September 1996, Cray announced they discovered the then largest prime number while running tests on a CRAY T94 system, one of the company's largest supercomputers. The tests were run at its Wisconsin engineering and manufacturing operation in Chippewa Falls.

The new prime number is the 34th Mersenne Prime discovered and has 378,632 digits. Printed in newspaper-sized type, the number would fill approximately 12 newspaper pages.

NSA is known to have had at least 100 Cray T94 computers.

As of 2014, most office and home desktop computers were faster than the T94.