Intel Intellect MDS-800

Processor :
Intel 8080 and co-processor Intel 8080 I/O dedicated
Company :
Memory :
Up to 64 KB (RAM), 2 KB Boot (ROM), 2 KB (Monitor)
Year :

The Intellec Microcomputer Development Systems (MDS) were complete computers intended for the development of Intel microcomputer based products. They included a main unit with CPU, RAM, ROM, I/O and interrupt circuitry, as well as all necessary software: Assembler, linker, and debugger.

Optional EPROM programmer and In-Circuit Emulator (ICE) allowed real-time emulation and diagnostics into user configured system before saving final program into an EPROM.

The Intellec MDS was launched in around 1975. It featured an 8080 processor and could implement MCS-80 (8080) based computers and Intel Series 3000 systems. The main unit needed a Serial video terminal or an ASR-33 Teletype to be connected, as well as a paper tape puncher/ reader and/or floppy drive unit. Siemens sold in Germany a local version of the first Intellec called SME-800.